Spofa Praha
We are a sport club focused on outdoor activities and ski instruction for children
and adults.
Our mountain base is in the Blue Hollow in the Krkonose Mountains.
Blue Hollow
Blue Hollow (Modry Dul) is one of the most beautiful valleys
in the Krkonose Mountains, this part is one of the most
highly protected areas in the Krkonose National Park. Its
distinct shape was formed during the ice age by the large
glaciers, which covered the Krkonose region.
Blue Creek, which tumbles over several falls as it runs through
the middle of Blue Hollow, merges lower in the valley with
Upa Creek, which itself rises in neighbouring Obri Dul.
In spring, on the slopes of Studnicni Mountain (1554m) above
Blue Hollow, a unique feature develops as the last remaining
snow cover usually melts into a shape that is roughly the same
as the outline of the former country of Czechoslovakia. Studnicni
Mountain and Snezka (the highest peak in the Czech Republic
at 1602 m) both dominate the skyline of Blue Hollow.